Horses listening to our inner child

From Friday 06 to Sunday 08 September 2024

Hosted by Sophie RATY

Accompanied by the horses of the herd, we will go to meet our Inner Child and the two manifestations of this part of our personality: our SUN child (or joyful and authentic child) and our SHADOW child (or wounded child). Together, we will learn to listen to them, to understand them better, to love them, to take care of them with kindness and empathy... to begin a process of “re-parenting” these parts of ourselves. Objectives of the course: find your inner child, take care of it, recognize, listen, love and reparent our inner child. Reconnecting with this fragile and vulnerable little being that we once were, providing support, reassurance, love and security.
In the program :
Day 1: Discovering the inner child within me, it communicates with the body. Work on body perceptions and feelings.
Day 2: Listening to the needs, wounds and emotions of our inner child: identify their needs, wounds and the masks put in place when their needs have not been respected, listen and better understand our emotions (yoga pleasant and unpleasant emotions)
Day 3: Listening to my joyful and creative inner child, I listen to his song and I begin a process of reparenting: developing confidence and self-esteem, letting our sunshine child flourish and express himself while taking care of our injured child to gradually take back control of our lives and find meaning. Course led by the 11 horses from the Domaine Fournery-Baraud herd, their guardian, Sophie RATY Price: €450 including the animation, the exercises with the horses, the course documents gathered in a trainee's booklet of around thirty pages . Earlybird -20% rate for registration before Sunday 07/20/2024: €360 for 3 days Possibility of accommodation in a shared gîte: €55 per night. Shared meals (fridges and kitchen available) No knowledge of horses is required to participate. Our childhood wounds are the cause of many blockages in our adult lives. They generate behaviors that harm us (addictions, emotional dependence, eating disorders, relationship problems, self-confidence, difficulties finding one's way, etc.). Listening, understanding, soothing, loving and reparenting our inner child generates lasting emotional, behavioral and energetic changes in our adult lives. This course will allow you to find your inner child, to identify and replace your limiting beliefs, to make peace with your past, to take care of yourself, to strengthen love and self-esteem, to improve your relationships with your loved ones.

“I found this internship very complete, surprising, enriching and transformative. Sophie's gentleness, clear explanations and kindness were a real pleasure. I learned how to connect with my inner child and keep him close to me. I loved the connection with the horses but also all the preparation work to welcome the parts of oneself. Sophie and the horses helped me accept my emotions and transform them. I leave with a light heart, in harmony with the little child that I was and the joy of finding him at any time. Thanks thanks thanks! ❤”

“This course was a true discovery of my inner child: with horses, it is a teaching and support of the very powerful inner being. I learned to take care of my inner child by reassuring him and playing with him. I loved the connection with the horses, listening to them and respecting each other's bubbles. Everything was smooth and the internship timeline was really great. I leave with the awareness that listening to, caring for and asking advice from my inner child is a powerful tool.”

“I experienced wonderful moments during this internship which brought me a lot. Everything was light, harmonious and very clear. My rhythm and my emotions were perfectly respected. I was pleasantly surprised by this meeting with my inner child… lots of memories came back. I learned that I now need to listen to my inner child more often. I particularly loved the contact with the horses and the walk in the forest with them. I love being with Sophie and her horses in this magical place and I really wish it would never end. I leave, hand in hand with my inner child who so wants to play and have fun. My heart is filled with joy and wonderful memories. Thank you ❤, thank you ❤, thank you ❤”

“This course was rich in reconnecting with oneself, with others, with nature, powerful in a certain simplicity. I loved meeting and connecting with the herd, the meditations, the drum trips. I leave with the awareness that I must respect the needs and desires of my inner child to be fairer with myself and with others. I also leave with the strong desire to express and respect the unique being that I am. I feel full of life, I feel deep within me the joy of finally seeing all the parts of myself that I want to honor. Thank you very much Sophie for these moments of gentle connection.”
“I loved this internship! It went way beyond my expectations. The experiences/discoveries were intense. I learned that I must keep everything that is good within me in the future, that I must no longer be afraid to connect to my emotions and my sensations. The mare Unna guided me and helped me to have less fears, I made a place inside of me for my inner little girl, and I now have the deep desire to connect more often with nature.”
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