Sophie Raty

The Domain and horse's herd keeper and protector

Holistic equine assisted and facilitated therapist, I practice outdoor in round pen with a horse or horses at liberty (emotions release, shamanic drum trances, the inner child, personal space, self-confidence and self-esteem…).

For several years, I have felt the urge to teach and share my knowledge, to do my part and help to a change of vision of the world and our relationship to all kinds of living: with the horses, humans are remembered here that they are part of nature and that we need to respect the “great whole” to find balance and harmony within ourselves and around us.

My holistic approach and vision of the world leads me to offer workshops, courses or individual sessions (therapy, coaching, EquiTranse, Circles of Forgiveness), combining my skills in the fields of horsemanship, animal mediation, personal development, equine assisted coaching and transpersonal therapies assisted by horses, where various disciplines can cross and join together such as meditation, hypnosis, Qi Gong, Yoga, Shinrin Yoku, Art therapy (Mandalas, medicine wheels, etc.), the art of drumming, dance, theater, etc.

My fields of expertise
Equine facilitation on the theme of THE INNER CHILD (bringing together the parts of oneself and “re-parenting” them)
My training

Initial education

  • Ecole Decroly (school with active teaching, Brussels), BAC level (1988)
  • Aptos High; second high school diploma in California (1989)
  • Free University of Brussels: (1990-1996)
  • Master in Political and Social Sciences, Sociology orientation
  • Master in Work Sciences, specialization in Work Psychology

Complementary education from 2004 to 2024

Horse&Heart by Marie Franco

  • Horsemanship: numerous courses and courses
  • Intuitive Communication

Horsemanscience by Andy Booth

  • Step 1
  • Step 2
  • Positive reinforcement, with Hélène Roche and Andy Booth

Eponaquest by Linda Kohanov

  • Introduction to the Eponaquest approach, with Sylvain Gilliers and Claire Morin
  • Connection 101, with Linda Kohanov
  • Connection 102, with Linda Kohanov

Frédéric Barbey and David Vigneron

  • The Inner Child
  • Practitioner in Ericksonian Hypnosis and self-hypnosis
  • Shamanism
  • Relaxology
  • Psychopathology
  • Psychogenealogy
  • The Marseille tarot as a tool for self-understanding and personal development

Laetitia Merli: Traditions and therapies

  • The art of the Drum Module 1: Energy and vibration care with the Drum
  • The art of the Drum Module 2: Journey to the Drum
  • Connections: The art of trance with shamanic drums
  • The Bear's Clan : shamanism

Wayne William Snellgrove

  • The 7 teachings of the Great Father: Red Way

Patricia Picard – Atelier Krysalide

  • Initiation path to the Tarot of Marseille in a women's circle

Training in progress: Ludovic Leroux

  • Full Confidence X-pert: full confidence coach (neurobiology and polyvagal theory)